Janero Consultancy GmbH



Paulyn Jansen, PhD



Bonn 53115 Germany

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +49 228 6208 9754

Fax: +49 228 926 6991


Other information

Other information:

Paulyn Jansen, PhD is the founder of the JANERO Consultancy. She is also the CEO of SKAI-Blue Group of Companies in Ghana (www.skaigroup.biz). Amongst other entities that she has also founded is the African Youth Foundation (Afrikanische Jugendhilfe e.V.) - AYF, a development-oriented Non-Profit www.ayf.de Organisation based in Bonn, Germany.

She holds a PhD. in International Relations; a Masters Degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Management. She is also an advisor at The Management School of Restorative Business and an Associate Member of the London Metropolitan University in London, United Kingdom.

Prior to establishing AYF and JANERO, she was a consultant with the Development and Investment Associates in London, United Kingdom where she researched the WTO's Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agreement - which protects transnational companies investing in research and development. She also worked as a Programme Assistant with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC).

She also researched Development Project Promotions between West African and European Countries; The European Investors Co-operation with Africa and the New Independent Countries; Research Paper DS IV 96-8, Development & Investment Associates. Her publications include a book on: "The Democratic Affairs of African Countries" First Edition, 98 pg, ISBN: 3-9809267-1-0; Co-author of: "Local Development Programs in the Poorest areas in Ghana", Friends of the Earth FOEI/Ghana) NGO publication; (pg. 49-57); and numerous newsletters on youth education.

She is currently serving as the President of the Board of the Pro-Youth Foundation (A development oriented organisation).